Healthcare Improvements Are the Priority in NDP Platform

We’re 37 days away from the Provincial Election that’s not yet been officially called, but there doesn’t mean that campaigning is not hitting a fevered pitch. All the main opposition parties had major announcements on Monday morning, but only the Ontario New Democrats released a whole platform, and the focus was on two planks: expanding healthcare and increasing affordability. Continue reading “Healthcare Improvements Are the Priority in NDP Platform”

Schreiner Recaps a Busy Four Years in Last Member’s Statement Pre-Election

Almost four years, Guelph made history by sending the first Green Party Member of Provincial Parliament to Queen’s Park. Last week, Mike Schreiner rose to give his last member’s statement in what he hopes is his first term in the legislature. Member’s statements are usually reserved for comments about special occasions or special mentions from one’s constituency, but this statement was phrased like a recap. Continue reading “Schreiner Recaps a Busy Four Years in Last Member’s Statement Pre-Election”

Schreiner Gets Grassroots Election Ready with Office Opening

Over 70 people got together inside an Edinburgh Road South store front on Saturday afternoon. They were cheering, they were excited, they were ready to get others to share their enthusiasm about a candidate. It was a political rally! Live and in-person and the first one of its kind locally in this pending provincial campaign season. The candidate was Mike Schreiner, and Team Green is eager to knock on doors to get him re-elected. Continue reading “Schreiner Gets Grassroots Election Ready with Office Opening”

Schreiner Has Three Goals for Last Legislative Session Before the Election

The Ontario Legislature returns to work after the Family Day weekend, and it returns for the final time before the spring election. Premier Doug Ford and his ministers will likely have some ideas about what they want to do during last few months of the session, but Guelph MPP Mike Schreiner has some ideas of his own. If you’ve been carefully following provincial politics, the three goals should not be terribly surprising. Continue reading “Schreiner Has Three Goals for Last Legislative Session Before the Election”

Green Party Wants *You* to Get an EV! And *You* to Get an EV!…

The shift to electric vehicles is the greatest change to the automobile market since the invention of the windshield wiper. The Green Party of Ontario is making it a matter of policy to encourage you to trade in your gas-powered car for an EV and on Friday leader Mike Schreiner and deputy leader Dianne Saxe held a virtual press conference to tell Ontarians that they should have an easier time getting into an EV. Continue reading “Green Party Wants *You* to Get an EV! And *You* to Get an EV!…”

Schreiner Pushes for Regional Transit, While May Pushes for VIA Support

Moving people around the region is still an issue. Greyhound shut down their Canadian operations last May, but it had been effectively closed sine the start of the pandemic now almost two years ago, and there has been no big carrier coming in to take its place. Guelph MPP Mike Schreiner noticed that too, and this morning he made an announcement in Cambridge to declare the Green Party’s commitment to regional transit. Continue reading “Schreiner Pushes for Regional Transit, While May Pushes for VIA Support”

Schreiner Says Small Businesses Still Need Help as Provincial Re-opening Begins

Ontario businesses locked down for the last three-and-a-half weeks were finally allowed to re-open up to 50 per cent capacity on Monday, so problem solved, right? Not so fast, says Guelph MPP Mike Schreiner. Joined by Dufferin-Caledon Green Party candidate Laura Campbell, who owns a restaurant in downtown Orangeville, Schreiner said that there’s still a role for government to play as businesses try and get back on their feet. Continue reading “Schreiner Says Small Businesses Still Need Help as Provincial Re-opening Begins”

2022 Election Preview: Pandemic Politics and How Ontarians Will Vote

This is a politics website, and it’s hard to escape the knowledge that an election is coming next year. Actually, there are two elections coming in 2022, but for the purposes of this lengthy analysis piece, we will focus on the first one, the Ontario provincial election. It’s hard to believe it’s been almost four years since Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservatives were elected, but let’s look back at how this term began, look at where we are now, and then look at what might be coming next… Continue reading “2022 Election Preview: Pandemic Politics and How Ontarians Will Vote”

A Holiday Message from Guelph’s MPP

Its Christmas Day, and here is a present you definitely wanted: A holiday message from your Member of Provincial Parliament! Because you demanded it, here’s a holiday/end-of-year message from Guelph MPP and Green Party of Ontario leader presented here in both video and textual formats. Continue reading “A Holiday Message from Guelph’s MPP”

GUELPH POLITICAST #303 – Christmas With Mike

In less than two weeks, we enter the year 2022, and that’s an election year in Ontario. In the spring, Premier Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservatives will aim to make a case that they should be re-elected for a second term, but the knives will almost certainly be out for them. But what about the one Green MPP in the legislature? What kind of year will 2022 be for him? Continue reading “GUELPH POLITICAST #303 – Christmas With Mike”