GUELPH POLITICAST #402 – Christmas With Mark

It’s time for our annual fireside chat with a prominent member of the Guelph community, and since we’re run the gamut of local political leaders over the last few years, we turn to the new head of the hospital. It’s a massive challenge, but in keeping with the spirit of the season, and the need to help people who can’t help themselves, we’re going spend Christmas week with the president and CEO of Guelph General Hospital, Mark Walton. Continue reading “GUELPH POLITICAST #402 – Christmas With Mark”

RECAP: Vaping is Now a Bigger Cause of Concern for Board of Health

The last meeting of the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Board of Health this year came with some timely advice about making sure you’ve got all shots before the start of the holiday season. But while flu and COVID-19 are still hanging about, the Board heard about all new public health concerns around young people and how easily they can get a hold of vapes and other types of nicotine. How big of a problem is it? Consult the recap below… Continue reading “RECAP: Vaping is Now a Bigger Cause of Concern for Board of Health”

MEETING PREVIEW: Board of Health Meeting for December 6, 2023

The last Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Board of Health meeting for the year will focus on a couple of different areas. You like vaping? Maybe you do, but if you’re a kid under 19 than no one should be selling any vaping products to you. Do you want to get sick this holiday season? If not, maybe this is a good time to be reminded that you should get a flu shot. Have a young person behind on their shots? We’ve got a reminder for that too. Continue reading “MEETING PREVIEW: Board of Health Meeting for December 6, 2023”

GUELPH POLITICAST #395 – Silence is Golden

Silence has been around for 11 years now. In the fall of 2012, it was founded to provide an outlet for the presentation and creation of new, creative and non-idiomatic music in the fields of improvisation, electro-acoustics, post-rock, jazz, chamber music, computer music, noise, ambient, sound art and more. Silence’s niches have niches, but how are they managing in the midst of all the post-pandemic challenge? Continue reading “GUELPH POLITICAST #395 – Silence is Golden”

MEETING PREVIEW: Board of Health Meeting for September 6, 2023

September arrives, and that means it’s back to school and back to work for the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Board of Health! It looks like the public health staff spent their summer writing some pretty big reports on the health effects of poverty, the lingering effects of the pandemic, increasing immunizations and vaping. Plus, we’re getting ready for cold and flu and COVID season this fall. Get ready, because there’s a lot of ground to cover Continue reading “MEETING PREVIEW: Board of Health Meeting for September 6, 2023”

RECAP: Board of Health Hears That Smoke is Bad and the Robots Are Coming

This month’s Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Board of Health meeting coincided with one of the worst days of air pollution seen in quite some time. Summer health issues were the focus of part of the meeting, how to cope with smoke from wildfires and what to do if you’ve bitten by ticks. In terms of Public Health business, the focus was on how the agency is adapting to new technology, and yes, that means maybe chatting with an A.I. Here’s the recap! Continue reading “RECAP: Board of Health Hears That Smoke is Bad and the Robots Are Coming”

MEETING PREVIEW: Board of Health Meeting for June 7, 2023

June’s Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Board of Health meeting will be data driven. Not that the decisions of the board are not usually data driven, but data will be the focus on this month’s meeting in terms of how Public Health is using it to improve their programs, not to mention the literal maintenance and dissemination of that data. We’re also got injuries, healthy babies and public health’s annual community report. Continue reading “MEETING PREVIEW: Board of Health Meeting for June 7, 2023”

GUELPH POLITICAST #370 – The Day of Mourning Show

If it’s the end of April, then it’s time for the Workers’ Day of Mourning. For 40 years, workers across the country have stopped to remember those who lost their lives on the job and to inspire workers to fight to prevent further tragedies. It’s widely considered a rare opportunity to make a point that only sometimes penetrates our common narrative: Are all workplaces as healthy and safe as they could be, and are they equally safe for everyone? Continue reading “GUELPH POLITICAST #370 – The Day of Mourning Show”

Guelph COVID Assessment Centre Closes Its Doors on Friday

After three years and three different locations, the COVID-19 Assessment Centre – now called the Guelph COVID, Cold, Flu Care Clinic – will close its doors on Friday March 31. After seeing over 184,000 patients in the course of the last 36 months, and expanding beyond COVID-19 to cold and flu last fall, the workload of managing these viruses now moves back to the regular order of family doctors and walk-in clinics. Continue reading “Guelph COVID Assessment Centre Closes Its Doors on Friday”

GUELPH POLITICAST #365 – The State of the Arts

We’ve always thought of Guelph as a uniquely artsy place, but is that still the case? Like with just about every aspect of life, COVID-19 had an effect on the arts; it’s hard to get out and see a band, or a local theatrical production, or to take part in a local festival when there’s no going outside. But as we recover from COVID we’re learning that the pandemic is not the only pressure point on the arts and local artists. Continue reading “GUELPH POLITICAST #365 – The State of the Arts”