RECAP: Ward 2 Town Hall Tackled Downtown Construction and Fourplexes

It was a hot and sunny evening, so naturally about 40 people showed up at a town hall hosted by Ward 2 City Councillors Rodrigo Goller and Carly Klassen. There were two main topics of interest, one is the coming infrastructure renewal of downtown, and the other is the development of policy around fourplexes. There was also a bit of open mic for the people whose issues did not fall into one of those categories, but you can check it all out for yourself below… Continue reading “RECAP: Ward 2 Town Hall Tackled Downtown Construction and Fourplexes”

Watch and Listen to All The Available Local Candidate Debates!

Election Day is Monday October 24, and while seven per cent of us have already cast our ballot, 93 per cent of us have not. Perhaps you need some help deciding. Wouldn’t it be great if you could scan all the available candidate debates in one convenient place? Welcome! Below, you will be able to find the videos and audio recordings of various candidate debates featuring the mayoral candidates, and people running in all the wards. Continue reading “Watch and Listen to All The Available Local Candidate Debates!”

CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Raymond Sartor, Ward 2 Councillor

“I was born and raised in Ward 2 with Family Roots in Guelph for over 100 years – I retired early after a successful business career owning several successful businesses employing many people. I love Guelph and wish to work hard to help the City prosper.” Continue reading “CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Raymond Sartor, Ward 2 Councillor”

Collaborative Problem Solving the Goal with Candidate Panel at 10C

At 10C Shared Space today there was a candidate forum that tried to put the emphasis on sharing in lieu of debating. About a dozen of the candidates running in Wards 1, 2 and 3 came out in front of a live studio audience for the first to two council candidate forums to discuss the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs, as outlined by the U.N., and how we can incorporate those goals into the solutions for the challenges facing Guelph. Continue reading “Collaborative Problem Solving the Goal with Candidate Panel at 10C”

CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Morgan Dandie, Ward 2 Councillor

“Since moving here, I have become involved in many aspects of the community, and now I want to be a Councillor for Ward 2 in order to provide service to the greatest number of people at the level of government closest to their day-to-day life. I believe I have the ability to to understand nuances of issues to address these seemingly different groups and collaborate to create a greater sense of community connection.” Continue reading “CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Morgan Dandie, Ward 2 Councillor”

CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Elia Morrison, Ward 2 Councillor

“I am running because while Guelph is an amazing place to live, we have a long way to go to ensure that we are a city that is equitable and affordable for everyone. As a city we have been unwilling to make the bold choices that will lead us to a greener, more affordable, and inclusive future – a future that I hope to help move us towards.” Continue reading “CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Elia Morrison, Ward 2 Councillor”

CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Carly Klassen, Ward 2 Councillor

“Prior to becoming a full-time entrepreneur, my professional experience was focused on helping organizations build and execute marketing strategies, building relationships with stakeholders and helping people to collaborate on completing projects. I know how to analyze and synthesize information, negotiate, compromise and make decisions. I like working with people and seeing projects through to completion.” Continue reading “CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Carly Klassen, Ward 2 Councillor”

CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Rodrigo Goller, Ward 2 Councillor

“Over the last four years I have enjoyed connecting with my constituents over coffee, on the phone, via email or at in-person or virtual town-halls, to understand your thoughts and priorities on all important issues coming to Guelph City Council. If I am re-elected, I will continue to provide accessible and accountable leadership in our Ward.” Continue reading “CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Rodrigo Goller, Ward 2 Councillor”

Municipal Election Nominations Update Week #11

It’s election season here in Guelph! The nominations are open for this fall’s Municipal Election, and interested residents are filing their papers to run for positions as mayor, for city council and for a spot on one of the local school boards. Each week, this space will break down who’s new to the race, who’s running again, and where we’re still waiting for someone to show an interest! Continue reading “Municipal Election Nominations Update Week #11”

GUELPH POLITICAST #332 – Rookies No More!

While every city council term brings its own unique challenges, it’s safe to say that no one’s seen challenges quite as unique as the ones experienced over the last two-and-a-half years. As we head into summer break for council, and as we head toward the final month of nominations to run in the October 24 municipal election, we’re sitting down with Guelph’s newest city councillors to talk about their experiences. Continue reading “GUELPH POLITICAST #332 – Rookies No More!”