RECAP: Ward 2 Town Hall Tackled Downtown Construction and Fourplexes

It was a hot and sunny evening, so naturally about 40 people showed up at a town hall hosted by Ward 2 City Councillors Rodrigo Goller and Carly Klassen. There were two main topics of interest, one is the coming infrastructure renewal of downtown, and the other is the development of policy around fourplexes. There was also a bit of open mic for the people whose issues did not fall into one of those categories, but you can check it all out for yourself below… Continue reading “RECAP: Ward 2 Town Hall Tackled Downtown Construction and Fourplexes”

RECAP: Ward 2 Councillors Hear Concerns About High Density Designation

It’s quite unusual to have a town hall meeting with ward councillors in the middle of summer and in the middle of an election year, but these are unusual times. In advance of a special meeting on Monday about the newest Official Plan Amendment, Ward 2 Councillors James Gordon and Rodrigo Goller, plus Ward 5 Councillor Leanne Caron, lead a virtual town hall about the high density zoning of 41-45 George Street. Here’s what happened…. Continue reading “RECAP: Ward 2 Councillors Hear Concerns About High Density Designation”

RECAP: Questions and More Questions about 65 Delhi Project

On Tuesday night, Ward 2 City Councillors Rodrigo Goller and James Gordon hosted their latest virtual town hall with a specific focus on Wellington County’s proposed transitional housing project at 65 Delhi Street. County staff were on hand to present information and talk about the many challenges and advantages of the project, as well as offering answers to questions posed from some very curious local residents. Let’s got to the recap… Continue reading “RECAP: Questions and More Questions about 65 Delhi Project”

RECAP: Ward 2 Warms Up a Week of Public Feedback on the Budget

It was not the biggest of virtual crowds on Wednesday night, but it likely provided a nice warm up for a whole week of public events and town halls about this year’s budget. Here’s the recap of the Ward 2 virtual town hall about the 2021 Guelph Budget including questions about trails, prioritizing infrastructure, and the appearance of increasing the police budget, no matter how slightly, in this of all years. Continue reading “RECAP: Ward 2 Warms Up a Week of Public Feedback on the Budget”

RECAP: Many, Many Questions About Supportive Housing at Ward 2 Town Hall

The news that Parkview Motel might be turned into supportive housing was the subject for the entire two-hour town hall hosted by Ward 2 Councillors James Gordon and Rodrigo Goller on Thursday evening. Drop In Centre executive director Gail Hoekstra and a series of special guests took questions from the NIMBYs, YIMBYs, and everyone in between. Here’s the recap… Continue reading “RECAP: Many, Many Questions About Supportive Housing at Ward 2 Town Hall”

GUELPH POLITICAST #238 – The Future of Parkview

At the August 24 city council meeting, money from the affordable housing reserve was given to the St. Joseph’s Housing Corporation to help complete a project to provide 65 affordable units to seniors. As a delegate at that meeting, the executive director of the Drop In Centre announced that her non-profit was working on a deal of its own for supportive housing, and that became the story. Continue reading “GUELPH POLITICAST #238 – The Future of Parkview”