Top 10 Guelph News Stories of 2023

In these waning days of 2023, we know what you all need: Another end of the year list! It was another busy year in the news business here in Guelph, a lot of meetings, and issues, and debates, and announcements, and groundbreakings… How do you make sense of it all? With a Top 10 list! So let’s look at the year in Guelph from great progress to big protests, and all the issues that we mulled over, and will likely mull over some more in 2024. Continue reading “Top 10 Guelph News Stories of 2023”

RECAP: The AAC Makes Progress on Trails, Elections and More

There are no Augusts off for the Accessibility Advisory Committee who took care of a lot of business at this month’s meeting. Much of that work had to do with outdoor amenities like a new splash made, new trails, and increasing accessibility to trails by shaving down curbs. Also, the committee looked at accessibility improvement changes to the Riverside Park bandshell area and how best to have an accessible election in 2026. Here’s the recap! Continue reading “RECAP: The AAC Makes Progress on Trails, Elections and More”

MEETING PREVIEW: Accessibility Advisory Committee for August 15, 2023

There’s no rest for the Accessibility Advisory Committee this August because they’ve got a lot of accessibility business to take care of. On this agenda there are ongoing matters of interest like the next municipal election, a new splash pad, and several new trails being developed around town. That’s almost literally a lot of ground to cover, so get more informed with the preview of this month’s AAC meeting. Continue reading “MEETING PREVIEW: Accessibility Advisory Committee for August 15, 2023”

This Week at Council: Parking Master Plan and Short-Term Rental Licences Approved

This week at council marked this last two meetings of the month. The first one was the surprisingly straightforward regular council meeting that was all about affirming the decisions from Committee of the Whole plus some GMHI business. The other meeting was more interesting, the opening of feedback from council about the new Downtown Parking Master Plan. Let’s cover it all in this week’s recap… Continue reading “This Week at Council: Parking Master Plan and Short-Term Rental Licences Approved”

LIVE BLOG: City Council Meeting for March 28, 2023

Let’s revisit this month’s Committee agenda! You can click here for the amended agenda from City Hall, and you can click here for the Politico preview. For the complete blow-by-blow of today’s council meeting, you can follow along on Twitter, or follow the tweets below. You can also watch the City’s own live-stream of the meeting here. Continue reading “LIVE BLOG: City Council Meeting for March 28, 2023”

RECAP: Guelph Sports Groups Agree That They Need More Space (Plus Video)

On Thursday night, Councillor Dan Gibson hosted a town hall at City Hall that gathered representatives from many different sports groups around the city to look at the challenges facing local sports and to begin the process of organizing. Despite the forward momentum on the South End Community Centre, it was the main point of the town hall that we’re still lacking space for just about every sport you can think of. Continue reading “RECAP: Guelph Sports Groups Agree That They Need More Space (Plus Video)”

City Council Preview – What’s on the Agenda for the March 28 Meeting?

This regular meeting of council will hold no real surprises (except, perhaps, the start time). Council will ratify the Committee of the Whole agenda, and there may be some attempted adjustments made there on a couple of items, and there’s a surprise additional topic to be considered as part of the consent agenda. Also, come early for a special second meeting on an entirely different subject. Continue reading “City Council Preview – What’s on the Agenda for the March 28 Meeting?”

This Week at Council: Trees, Short-Term Rentals, and Rec Centre Back On

If you liked trees and tax policy, then this was the Committee of the Whole meeting for you! The packed agenda saw just about every service areas get some time in the spotlight from the internal audit plan, to potential new rules for short-term rentals, to a new plan to finally get the South End Community Centre built. The big item though, naturally, was the plan to increase the city’s tree canopy. Continue reading “This Week at Council: Trees, Short-Term Rentals, and Rec Centre Back On”

LIVE BLOG: Committee of the Whole Meeting for March 7, 2023

Strap in for what might look like a long one! You can click here for the amended agenda from City Hall, and you can click here for the Politico preview. For the complete blow-by-blow of today’s council meeting, you can follow along on Twitter, or follow the tweets below. You can also watch the City’s own live-stream of the meeting here. Continue reading “LIVE BLOG: Committee of the Whole Meeting for March 7, 2023”

Committee of the Whole Preview – What’s on the Agenda for the March 7 Meeting?

It’s a jammed-packed agenda at March’s Committee of the Whole meeting; dare we say there’s something for everyone? From the desk of Corporate Services we’ve got some budget information. From Public Services we’re going to hear more about trees and AirBnBs. And then, it’s the big one, how we’re going to build the South End Community Centre with all the economic pressures. All that, and there’ll be some Audit stuff too. Continue reading “Committee of the Whole Preview – What’s on the Agenda for the March 7 Meeting?”