RECAP: Ward 2 Town Hall Tackled Downtown Construction and Fourplexes

It was a hot and sunny evening, so naturally about 40 people showed up at a town hall hosted by Ward 2 City Councillors Rodrigo Goller and Carly Klassen. There were two main topics of interest, one is the coming infrastructure renewal of downtown, and the other is the development of policy around fourplexes. There was also a bit of open mic for the people whose issues did not fall into one of those categories, but you can check it all out for yourself below… Continue reading “RECAP: Ward 2 Town Hall Tackled Downtown Construction and Fourplexes”

This Week at Council: The Four Unit Problem

This month’s planning meeting of city council was all about four, and despite what you’ve heard it’s actually the loneliness number. That was the impression you might have gotten watching what happened when staff deliver their draft report about allowing fourplexes and four units as-of-right in Guelph. It looks like this policy might have an uphill climb, but staff have until June to make a case, in the meantime, here’s the recap…. Continue reading “This Week at Council: The Four Unit Problem”

LIVE BLOG: City Council Meeting for April 9, 2024

Gentle density is the name of the game at this month’s planning meeting. You can click here for the amended agendas from City Hall, and you can click here for the Politico preview. For the complete blow-by-blow of today’s council meeting, you can follow along on Twitter, or follow the tweets below. You can also watch the City’s own live-stream of the meeting here. Continue reading “LIVE BLOG: City Council Meeting for April 9, 2024”

City Council Preview – What’s on the Agenda for the April 9 Meeting?

For all those watching housing regulations in the city, and fans of discussions around city-wide changes to zoning, this planning meeting of city council is for you! Since last year, City of Guelph staff have been diligently exploring the question about whether we should allow four units as-of-right in the city. That question will get an answer, and speaking of answers, an new proposal will get its day in front of the horseshoe! Continue reading “City Council Preview – What’s on the Agenda for the April 9 Meeting?”

GUELPH POLITICAST #407 – Mike’s Homes

When the Ontario Legislature resumed sitting this week, Guelph MPP Mike Schreiner wasn’t sitting alone as the only Green member. The fact that Aislinn Clancy won handily in Kitchener Centre might be a sign that people are interested in listen to Green ideas, and the Legislature will get a chance to show they they’re listening next week by sending Schreiner’s private member’s bill to committee and naturally, he thinks they should! Continue reading “GUELPH POLITICAST #407 – Mike’s Homes”