RECAP: The AAC Chooses a Chime and Finds Common Ground on Intersectionality

The Accessibility Advisory Committee spent a great deal of their June meeting talking about what they mean when it comes to intersectionality, and how best City of Guelph staff can monitor that. Tough questions, and they sort of got an answer before proceeding to a decision about that new Transit chime, and then looking at a new trail in the north end, and a pedestrian bridge just a little down the road from there. Here’s the recap…. Continue reading “RECAP: The AAC Chooses a Chime and Finds Common Ground on Intersectionality”

MEETING PREVIEW: Accessibility Advisory Committee for June 18, 2024

The Accessibility Advisory Committee is back on its regular schedule in June with a well-rounded selection of topics. Committee will follow up on some work they began this time last year, and then they will follow-up on some action items from a few months ago (hope you like some discussion about bus chimes). Also, more feedback will be sought about some of the upcoming ways of getting around town. Continue reading “MEETING PREVIEW: Accessibility Advisory Committee for June 18, 2024”

MEETING PREVIEW: Accessibility Advisory Committee for October 17, 2023

It’s that time again for the Accessibility Advisory Committee, on schedule, almost exactly two months since the last one. For this October meeting, the AAC will talk about that special workshop that didn’t happen, new road designs, new playground designs, the accessible future of Guelph’s patios, and a special note about how the federal government undid a whole lot of good work on plastics. Continue reading “MEETING PREVIEW: Accessibility Advisory Committee for October 17, 2023”

RECAP: Accessibility Committee Looks at Transportation and Parks Planning

The June meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee was mostly about getting around. The AAC was asked for their opinion about parking in the downtown, the future of complete streets, the needs of mobility transit, the quality of bus shelters and accessible alternatives to Uber and other ride shares. If that wasn’t enough, the committee also revisited the Parks and Rec Master Plan in what’s again a very packed agenda! Continue reading “RECAP: Accessibility Committee Looks at Transportation and Parks Planning”

MEETING PREVIEW: Accessibility Advisory Committee for June 20, 2023

For their June meeting, the Accessibility Advisory Committee is going to be revisting some of the things that have been recurring themes in the first part of 2023, so that means a discussion about parking downtown, parks and recreation, and complete streets. And if you’re thinking that all those things have a transportation element to them, you’re right, which is why we’re going to be talking about transit too! Continue reading “MEETING PREVIEW: Accessibility Advisory Committee for June 20, 2023”

GUELPH POLITICAST #377 – The Many Faces of Mike

You may know Mike Ashkewe. You might have read his insightful columns at the Guelph Mercury Tribune, or you might have heard him on the radio talking about video games and pop culture, or you might have seen him serve as vice-chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, or you may have run into him when he was volunteering at Chalmers downtown. But do you really know Mike Ashkewe? Continue reading “GUELPH POLITICAST #377 – The Many Faces of Mike”

RECAP: TAC Hears Next Steps for Fare Review and Central Station Upgrades

At the month’s Transit Advisory Committee meeting they looked towards the future. With the business of passing the new fare strategy concluded last month at city council, staff are now implementing the plan and there was an update about that process. There was also an update about the pending upgrades to the shelters at Guelph Central Station, and did you know that Guelph now has two electric buses being shaken down? You will if you read the recap! Continue reading “RECAP: TAC Hears Next Steps for Fare Review and Central Station Upgrades”

MEETING PREVIEW: Transit Advisory Committee Meeting for May 18, 2023

This month’s Transit Advisory Meeting will catch up on some recent transit developments outside the committee room and then talk about what’s next. Since last month’s TAC meeting, city council formally passed the transit fare review so what happens now? In other matters, transit staff will talk about future plans, rider concerns, schedule changes, and, naturally, what’s going on with the electric bus. Continue reading “MEETING PREVIEW: Transit Advisory Committee Meeting for May 18, 2023”

GUELPH POLITICAST #342 – A Conversation About Systemic Ableism

There was a Guelph man named Matthew Wozenilek who passed away in 2016. He was well-known for his “Stop Ableism” campaign, a one-man effort to make Guelph more accessible one fight at a time, including a case against Elections Canada at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. The awareness raised did make people more mindful of barriers to physical accessibility. So we all lived happily ever after, right? Continue reading “GUELPH POLITICAST #342 – A Conversation About Systemic Ableism”

Bookshelf to Launch Campaign to Be More Accessible

One of Guelph’s most well-known cultural landmarks is about to get a facelift, and it will be one that will make the facility accessible to all. Later this week, the Bookshelf will announce a campaign to raise funds to renovate and make it’s second floor amenities accessible to patrons with physical disabilities. Continue reading “Bookshelf to Launch Campaign to Be More Accessible”