Check Out Other Questionnaires from Community Groups

Still in an electoral quandary? Still don’t know who to vote for? Have you read the Guelph Politico candidate questionnaires and found them too general because you have deep-seated concerns about a very specific issue? Well, perhaps one of these local groups who developed their own questionnaire abut the issues they care about have got an answer to a question that you’ve already asked. Maybe, you will find the answer at a link below. Continue reading “Check Out Other Questionnaires from Community Groups”

CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Craig DiSero, Ward 6 Councillor

“I have enjoyed the satisfaction from volunteering in the community over the past 5+ years, and I am looking to make a career change so that my employment allows me to give back as well. Giving back and making a difference is what provides the greatest fulfillment at the end of the day.” Continue reading “CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Craig DiSero, Ward 6 Councillor”

CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Chetna Robinson, Ward 6 Councillor

“I adore Guelph! It is such a charming city and I want to make sure that we don’t grow into a cookie cutter suburb. Ward 6 has seen explosive growth which means the next few years will be critical in making sure we have the infrastructure to keep our quality of life.” Continue reading “CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Chetna Robinson, Ward 6 Councillor”

CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Susan Carey for Ward 1/5 Upper Grand District School Board Trustee

Susan Carey believes she has the *tools* to be a good school board trustee for the Upper Grand District School Board. Continue reading “CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Susan Carey for Ward 1/5 Upper Grand District School Board Trustee”

CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Luke Weiler for Ward 1/5 Upper Grand District School Board Trustee

Luke Weiler is one of the people running in the very busy Ward 1 and 5 trustee race for the Upper Grand District School Board. Continue reading “CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Luke Weiler for Ward 1/5 Upper Grand District School Board Trustee”

CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Jamie Killingsworth for Ward 1 Councillor

Jamie Killingsworth is probably well known to local sports fans, but now he’s all about politics and is running to be one of Ward 1’s councillors. Continue reading “CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE – Jamie Killingsworth for Ward 1 Councillor”