GUELPH POLITICAST #403 – 2023: The Lousy Clip Show

On this holiday week, you’re probably listening to a lot of reruns and year-end recaps on your podcast feed, and that’s why Guelph Politico is demonstrating its incredible efficiency by combining both things into one podcast. This week, we will review the 2023 soundbites that made the news in Guelph; the announcements, the arguments and the silliness that helped define the last 365 days in the Royal City. Continue reading “GUELPH POLITICAST #403 – 2023: The Lousy Clip Show”

500-Plus (Including Guelphites) Form Unwelcome Wagon For Doug Ford in Kitchener

It started with one Waterloo Regional Police officer. Then two. It wasn’t too long before 10 officers were standing at the west entrance to Bingeman’s, the site of FordFest in Kitchener on Friday night. The detail was traffic control of a sort. On the roadside in front of the amusement park and conference centre complex were well over 500 people representing labour, environmental, and education groups who had come to (un)welcome the premier and his supporters to Waterloo Region. Continue reading “500-Plus (Including Guelphites) Form Unwelcome Wagon For Doug Ford in Kitchener”