RECAP: 5 Mayoral Candidates Answer Audience Questions at Dublin United

With a little over two weeks to go until Election Day, the vast majority of the mayoral candidates were finally able to put their heads together at the same debate. The venue was the Dublin Street United Church, and the questions covered a variety of matters from housing and affordability to transit and the environment. Did any of the challengers make a case for their election, or did Guthrie convince you to stay the course? Continue reading “RECAP: 5 Mayoral Candidates Answer Audience Questions at Dublin United”

RECAP: 3 Out of 6 Mayoral Candidates Talk Housing Issues

With early voting set to begin at the end of the week, Monday began appropriately with a mayoral debate. The venue was the Italian Canadian Club, the host was the Guelph and District Association of Realtors, and the topic was the only topic: housing. Cam Guthrie, John Edward Krusky, and William Albabish took the stage to talk about their ideas around Guelph’s housing issues, and the solutions they have to offer. Continue reading “RECAP: 3 Out of 6 Mayoral Candidates Talk Housing Issues”

Half-Dozen Choices for the Next Mayor of Guelph

For the longest time it looked like Cam Guthrie was going to run unopposed this election, but in the last week something happened. Guthrie filed his papers to run for re-election way back on May 3, the second day that candidates could submit their nomination, and suddenly, this week, there were five competitors for the role. Who are these new faces that want to the head of Guelph city council? Continue reading “Half-Dozen Choices for the Next Mayor of Guelph”