GMHI Sells the Last Assets of District Energy to Toronto Green Tech Firm

A long cause of corporate consternation at Guelph City Hall was official resolved on Monday when the shareholder of Guelph Municipal Holdings Inc., aka city council, passed a motion to sell the downtown node of District Energy to Toronto-based Cascara Energy. The move is being considered a victory for corporate oversight and stewardship, while also being held up as an example of the City’s commitment to get to net-zero emissions. Continue reading “GMHI Sells the Last Assets of District Energy to Toronto Green Tech Firm”

Top 10 Guelph Political Stories of 2016

It’s that time of year for lists, a glorious time for ranking and evaluation people, places and things that happened in 2016, and Guelph Politico is no exception to the trend. So submitted for your approval below are the Top 10 Political Stories of the Year. Share. Discuss. Dissent. It’s all good. Continue reading “Top 10 Guelph Political Stories of 2016”

Special Meeting Will Discuss Lack of Return on Investment in District Energy, Plus LIVE BLOG!

City Hall will tackle the always contentious energy file in a special meeting tonight at 6 pm. Two reports are on the agenda: the Financial History of the GMHI Group of Companies and Current Issues, and the GMHI 2016 Restated Budget, and the former will reveal that the City may have to write down $8.7 million in investment into the District Energy assets in Hanlon Creek Business Park and Downtown Guelph. Continue reading “Special Meeting Will Discuss Lack of Return on Investment in District Energy, Plus LIVE BLOG!”

So What’s the Deal with the Community Energy Initiative?

Monday’s action-packed council meeting will include a presentation about updating the Community Energy Initiative, a plan created by various stakeholders in the Royal City to make Guelph more energy efficient from now on through 2031. The report coming to council though has come attached now with a bit of controversy thanks to some comments Mayor Cam Guthrie made at the Governance Committee earlier this month. So what is the CEI, and what so controversial about it? Continue reading “So What’s the Deal with the Community Energy Initiative?”