RECAP: Police Board Gets Low Down on Fight Against Intimate Partner Violence

This month’s Guelph Police Services Board meeting highlighted a very complicated and very serious issue facing our community. Following up on a recommendation last fall from city council, members of the Police Service provided insight into how they’re fighting the epidemic of Intimate Partner Violence. That’s an interesting presentation and worth reviewing, and there will be some news at the end about policing downtown. Continue reading “RECAP: Police Board Gets Low Down on Fight Against Intimate Partner Violence”

MEETING PREVIEW: Guelph Police Services Board for February 15, 2024

February’s meeting of the Guelph Police Services Board doesn’t have a lot on the agenda, but there is one very important issue that will be discussed and it’s a follow-up from a city council directive last fall. Council declared Intimate Partner Violence an epidemic, and members of the Service will tell us what they’re doing about it. On top of that, there’s some of the usual report items to check out, so let’s check them out! Continue reading “MEETING PREVIEW: Guelph Police Services Board for February 15, 2024”

This Week at Council: Royal City Mission Saved (For Now) and The Budget

This week council took a couple of tough meetings. On Tuesday, there was a question about homelessness downtown, but the controversial motion proposed by Mayor Cam Guthrie had been pulled. Still, there’s was a matter of funding for Royal City Mission and their daytime shelter services, council had to decided how and if they were going to fund that further. And on Wednesday, it was the big one: The passage of the 2024-2027 multiyear budget! Continue reading “This Week at Council: Royal City Mission Saved (For Now) and The Budget”

LIVE BLOG: City Council Meeting for November 28, 2023

The first of two big meeting this week1 You can click here for the amended agendas from City Hall, and you can click here for the Politico preview. For the complete blow-by-blow of today’s council meeting, you can follow along on Twitter, or follow the tweets below. You can also watch the City’s own live-stream of the meeting here. Continue reading “LIVE BLOG: City Council Meeting for November 28, 2023”

City Council Preview – What’s on the Agenda for the Meeting on November 28?

This last meeting of the month is not the last meeting of the month in November. No, after this meeting there’s still the multiyear budget decision meeting the very next day, but on this night, there’s some relatively lighter matters to consider. Among them are the ratification of this month’s Committee of the Whole agenda, some new appointments and a couple of new motions from members of council. Continue reading “City Council Preview – What’s on the Agenda for the Meeting on November 28?”