RECAP: Heritage Guelph Approves New Permits and New Designation

Sometimes there just isn’t a lot for Heritage Guelph to disagree on. It wasn’t a packed agenda to begin with, but it didn’t even take the committee an hour to hear the five items listed and render verdicts on all of them. There were a couple of heritage permits, a new heritage designation report, a new designation sent to council for final approval. Let’s look at the relatively brief recap… Continue reading “RECAP: Heritage Guelph Approves New Permits and New Designation”

MEETING PREVIEW: Heritage Guelph Meeting for March 4, 2024

What’s old is new again at Heritage Guelph, and for the March meeting there are some familiar looking addresses coming back for new a change or a new designation. There are couple of projects on the agenda that need the committee’s blessing to proceed, a proposed designation will finally have its day, and there’s another one in the queue. All that. and there’s a matter of legality to attend to as well. Continue reading “MEETING PREVIEW: Heritage Guelph Meeting for March 4, 2024”

RECAP: Heritage Guelph Looks at Changes, and a Potential Non-Designation

It was a jam-packed Heritage Guelph agenda that took the committee right to the finish line in terms of timing. There was a visit from the clerks’ office to talk about changes coming to the advisory committees later this year, and to get Heritage Guelph’s feedback, and then everyone got hung up on a matter of not designating a property and how tricky it can be with certain kinds of buildings. So let’s history nerd out with the recap! Continue reading “RECAP: Heritage Guelph Looks at Changes, and a Potential Non-Designation”

MEETING PREVIEW: Heritage Guelph Meeting for February 5, 2024

It’s been a busy few weeks for Heritage Guelph, and this meeting promises to be one of the busiest. On this agenda, there’s some administrative work for the committee, and there are some new heritage designations in the queue for their consideration too. Also, if you’re worried about heritage assets not being protected, this is a good meeting for you, and if you want to take part in the great hybrid work debate, there’s something for you too. Continue reading “MEETING PREVIEW: Heritage Guelph Meeting for February 5, 2024”