RECAP: Heritage Guelph Cranks Out Several Designation, and Are Looking for More

November’s Heritage Guelph meeting was largely straightforward, but at least three more designations are on their way to council for final approval at some point in the future, and now there are a couple of more items are on the drawing board, But as we reach the end of 2023 it seems like heritage staff are running our of work, which is why they queued up the committee to start thinking about 2024. For right now though, this is the recap of this month’s meeting… Continue reading “RECAP: Heritage Guelph Cranks Out Several Designation, and Are Looking for More”

MEETING PREVIEW: Heritage Guelph Meeting for November 13, 2023

November’s meeting of Heritage Guelph will see a lot of movement on the preservation of location heritage, which is good because we’re now almost one year into the two year project to save listed properties thanks to Bill 23. There are three new designations, and one designation in progress on this agenda, plus an unusual situation around site planning near a heritage conservation district. Continue reading “MEETING PREVIEW: Heritage Guelph Meeting for November 13, 2023”