MEETING PREVIEW: Heritage Guelph Meeting for October 10, 2023

After stuffing yourself with turkey, get up the next day and stuff yourself with heritage appreciation with this month’s Heritage Guelph meeting. On the agenda for the October meeting are a triad of new potential heritage designations: one you’ve seen twice before, one that’s brand new to this committee, and a third that has something of a deadline for completion.

NOTE #1: If you would like to delegate to one of the items at the meeting, get in touch with the committee liaison before Friday October 6 at noon at jack.mallon [at] or by calling (519) 837-5616, ext. 3872.

NOTE #2: This meeting will take place virtually on Cisco Webex. You can find the link on the agenda page for this meeting on the City’s website.

NOTE #3: This meeting takes place on the special day of Tuesday due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

331 Clair Road East: Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment – A plan for a zoning bylaw amendment for this property is coming soon to council, which means that the time has come to determine the fate of the James Hanlon Farmhouse. The plan is to build eight stacked townhouse blocks around a common amenity space, which will require that the farmhouse be moved if it’s to be preserved. As you can see in the rendering below, the farmhouse will be moved and rehabilitated to be part of the common amenity space on the property if the plan is approved.

Discussion around the farmhouse property will take place in two parts. Committee will review the cultural heritage impact assessment that was prepared by Vanessa Hicks, the heritage planner with MHBC Planning, and then they will recommend that the old farmhouse be designated as it meets five of the nine criteria determining cultural heritage value or interest under Ontario Regulation 569/22.

49 Metcalfe Street: Heritage Attributes and Designation Recommendation – Heritage Guelph was ready to formally vote to designate this property, the Dario Pagani House, at last month’s meeting, they even had the endorsement of the Pagani family, but they were missing a conversation from the current property owner… And then, the current owner got in touch with heritage staff right before that September meeting! It appears that there’s still some back and forth on that front because the recommended motion is to defer this item to a future meeting.

167 Suffolk Street West: Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report – If you’re a heritage planner, then you look at this property and see a limestone structure Neo-Classic vernacular building that’s two-storeys in height with an additional attic and a five-bay parapet to gable roof, but you probably know this as the long-time home of Barber Glass and Gallery. The building itself dates back to the 1850s, and has served multiple owners and uses over the last century-and-a-half, plus multiple additions, but it still meets four of nine of the criteria for having cultural heritage value and interested under Ontario Regulation 569/22. Heritage staff are seeking further input from the committee and then bring it back for a designation recommendation at a future meeting.


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