MEETING PREVIEW: Heritage Guelph Meeting for March 4, 2024

What’s old is new again at Heritage Guelph, and for the March meeting there are some familiar looking addresses coming back for new a change or a new designation. There are couple of projects on the agenda that need the committee’s blessing to proceed, a proposed designation will finally have its day, and there’s another one in the queue. All that. and there’s a matter of legality to attend to as well.

NOTE #1: If you would like to delegate to one of the items at the meeting, or to access an alternative meeting format, get in touch with the committee liaison before Friday March 1 at noon at jack.mallon [at] or by calling (519) 837-5616, ext. 3872.

NOTE #2: This meeting will take place virtually on Cisco Webex. You can find the link on the agenda page for this meeting on the City’s website.

40 Spring Street: Heritage Permit Application – Following up on a report at last month’s meeting, there’s now an application to build a rear addition to the residential dwelling on this property. According to the staff review, the proposed addition has no negative impact on the heritage attributes on the property. The owner, former City Councillor Ian Findlay, has signed up to delegate.

32 Martin Avenue: Heritage Permit Application – The owner of this house would like to demolish the two-storey entrance at the rear of the property so that it can be replaced with a new set of stairs that are little less steep. Seems simple enough, but because this house is in the Brooklyn and College Hill Heritage Conservation District there needs be approval from Heritage Guelph before any work can proceed. Heritage planning staff have determined that the work here will not negatively impact the heritage attributes of the streetscape.

785 York Road: Notice of Proposed Amendment of Heritage Permit Designation By-law – Nothing major here, just a change to the legal description of this property. Any heritage attributes identified and protected by the original bylaw will not be impacted.

408 Willow Road: Heritage Attributes and Designation Recommendation – The final endorsement of the heritage value of this property was deferred from the previous Heritage Guelph meeting last month so that there could be some extra time to confer with the property owners about the proposed list of heritage attributes. The staff report notes that the owners are “quite supportive ” of the designation, which is based on six of the nine prescribed criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest according to Ontario Regulation 569/22.

14 Neeve Street: Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report – This property is otherwise known as the Law House (the Law family lived there for 134 years), “a two-story stone detached residentialdwelling with a hipped roof flanked by twin yellow brick chimneys on the north and south elevations.” According to staff, the property meets four of nine of the criteria under Ontario Regulation 569/22 and the committee will offer their own commentary at this meeting before a formal request for designation is returned.


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